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August 13, 2006
Editorial Of The Day
From the UK Observer. Note that Allah initially states this is the Sunday version of the UK Guardian, and notes that if you've lost the hard-left socialists, you've lost anyone. A subsequent update makes it clear that while the Observer is the Sunday version of the Guardian, they have different editorial staffs and very different politics.
Still, whoever's saying it, it's spot on.
But even within the bleakest possible analysis of Mr Blair’s foreign policy, it is still simply not true that the West is waging war on Islam. Just as it is not true that the CIA was really behind the 11 September attacks or any other arrant conspiratorial nonsense that enjoys widespread credence in the Middle East and beyond. It is also a logical and moral absurdity to imply, as some critics of British policy have done, that mass murder is somehow less atrocious when it is motivated by an elaborate narrative of political grievance.
If young British Muslims are alienated, that is sad and their anger should be addressed. But anyone whose alienation leads them to want to kill indiscriminately has crossed a line into psychopathic criminality. Policy cannot be dictated by the need to placate such people.
Indeed, as Chris Klein sagely states, we should never placate.
Does anyone else find it a bit unseemly that so-called "moderate" Muslim spokesmen use every incident of completed or thwarted mass-murder by Muslim terrorists as an opportunity to make the precise same demands their terrorist fellow-travellers are?
What the hell is up with that linkage? Shouldn't the immediate reaction be an unstinting condemnation of the terrorists and a demand for all Muslims to rise against it and cooperate with police?
Shouldn't the calls for giving in to the terrorists' demands wait, at the very least, until all the bodies are pulled from the wreckage (or, here, until all the terrorists are caught and imprisoned)?
This terrorist-"moderate" Sister Act is transparent. The terrorists butcher and kill and cause widespread mayhem and economic damage and make demands upon the West, and then, within hours, the "moderates," who supposedly condemn terrorism, make the same demands -- threatening more terrorism if their demands are not appeased.