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The Terror Plot The Left Thinks Is Fake Goes International »
August 12, 2006
Leaked AOL Information Yields Disturbing Nuggets
One of the AOL users whose info was leaked had a search history including these search terms:
17556639 how to kill your wife
17556639 how to kill your wife
17556639 wife killer
17556639 how to kill a wife
17556639 poop
17556639 dead people
17556639 pictures of dead people
17556639 killed people
17556639 dead pictures
17556639 dead pictures
17556639 dead pictures
17556639 murder photo
17556639 steak and cheese
17556639 photo of death
17556639 photo of death
17556639 death
17556639 dead people photos
17556639 photo of dead people
17556639 www.murderdpeople.com
17556639 decapatated photos
17556639 decapatated photos
17556639 car crashes3
17556639 car crashes3
17556639 car crash photo
Steak and cheese??!!?!! Sickie.
By the way, I began to edit out the AOL ID number that proceeds each entry, but gave up, because it's already out there, and furthermore, I'm not sure if I want to protect the anonymity of a guy searching for "how to kill your wife."
The Paradigm Shift notes that it's this sort of information Google, the Chicom Collaborators, fought so nobly and courageously to keep the government from accessing in terrorism cases.
Might be useful to know certain people are searching all day for "improvised explosives" and "nuclear reactor map," wouldn't it?
Via INDC Journal, where Dorkafork runs down a lot of different stories, including the poorly-named AmericaBlog's refusal to believe that Muslim terrorists really were planning to blow up planes.
Dorkafork, I think, misses the easiest respnse to this idiocy:
Do I sound as if I don't believe this alert? Why, yes, that would be correct. I just don't believe it. Read the article. They say the plot had an "Al Qaeda footprint." Ooh, are you scared yet? What that really means is that they found NO evidence whatsoever that the plot had anything to do at all with Al Qaeda, but the plot simply made them think "gosh, this is something Al Qaeda would do." That's what a footprint means. Nice, but no cigar.
Anti-AmericaBlog, you're an idiot. It doesn't matter if this was Al Qaeda, or Pakistan/Kashmir's disgusting D-Company, or the Jemaat Al Islaam (or whatever it's called) that blew up the beachgoers at Bali. It doesn't matter, in fact, if it's a "right wing Christian extremist" group led by a McVeigh type.
If someone's trying to blow up fucking airplanes, asshole, we act against them, whether they're Al Qaeda, or associated with Al Qaeda, or have received some technical assitance from Al Qaeada, or have nothing whatsoever to do with Al Qaeda at all.
Apparently Anti-AmericaBlog's "Let's fight Al Qaeda first" position is less nuanced than I imagined. He really means -- Al Qaeda first, and Al Qaeda only. If a group of Pakistani men are planning to blow up 10 (it's "up to 10," at last report) airplanes, some over major cities for collateral damage on the ground, killing 2000-3000 people over a few hours, Anti-AmericaBlog thinks iwe ought to ignore it. Because they're not necessarily Al Qaeda, and we haven't formally declared a war on them yet.
As for the rest -- that these guys weren't really guilty of anything except an LUI (Living Under Islam) misdemeanor-- well, that's so insanely stupid as to be self-refuting, and now even Anti-AmericaBlog continues squirming mightily to walk back from the edge of lunacy while still maintaining, in a fake-but-accurate way, he was essentially right.
Dorkafork also answers the question, "What's the harm of a little unhinged conspiracy theorizing?" Well, for the poor woman who took the photo of crashed Flight 93's smoke-plume, quite a bit-- she has been stalked and harrassed by TRUTHers who are sure she's a government plant who doctored her photo.
PS: I can now link INDC Journal without reservation, as Bill revealed a few weeks ago that Goldstein was just jerking my chain about Bills' book deal.
I got Punk'd.
By a punk.
The Punk, by the way, isn't nearly so forgiving of the ceasefire agreement as I am.
A picture of The Punk here. CONTENT WARNING: Naked Testicle Spiderman.