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August 10, 2006
Jane Hamsher: The Gift That Keeps On Giving To the Lieberman Campaign
Unofficial Neddy Lamont campaign staffer Jane Hamsher weighs in with her characteristic genius.
And guys? She wrote this after the terror bust news.
The national security issue boogeyman is dead, dead, dead.
"I'm not quite dead yet."
"Shut up."
But remember-- Ned Lamont has no idea who this "Jane Hamsher" person is, or even what one of these so-called "blogs" might look like.
Jane... you're playin' a game... you never can win, girl...
'Cause you're dumb.
That's not part of the song, but it should be.
Thanks to Topsecretk9.
Not Related, But Funny: Now the Green Helmet Guy has a blog.
He says, "GOOOOO, Neddy!"
Thanks to mesablue.
Big Allah Update On Plot: Just read the thing. I don't know how anybody's keeping up. I know I can't.
Especially when you geeks are sending me crap about D&D and Star Trek.
Correction: I originally wrote that Hamsher got that from a circulating email. I was wrong. She wrote it herself.
Related: Dan Riehl notes that Lieberman likened the terrorists to Nazis, and called for "unity" in fighting them.
I'm too tired to cite, but I've seen leftwing blogs mocking this sentiment.
Strong, tough, layers, yadda. yadda. yadda.