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August 10, 2006
Quote Of The Day
Some people have decided that the war on terror is passe. But although you may not be interested in terrorism, terrorism is still interested in you.
--by Heh.
I suppose that this will remind people of 9/11. So should this nicely done film released on the eve of 9/11's five year anniversary.
Five years.
It doesn't seem that long ago.
It sure seems to be ancient history to some, though.
Thanks to Craig for that.
ABC News: Two "signinficant arrests" recently in Pakistan may have unraveled the plot.
Michelle Malkin would like to know if the chuckleheads at the BBC still find the "Terror Awards Show" funny.
In this case, it's a lack of familiarity -- with reality -- that breeds contempt.
A Broad Strata of British-Born Asian Men: Michelle notes helpfully that the proper spelling of the mispelled word "Asian" is "Muslim."
Thanks to several readers/commenters for that tip, and the "broad strata" joke.
Daily Kos Diarist Actually Makes Sense: Pleads with his fellow lunatics to stop indulging in absurd conspiracy theories and timing questionings.
ometimes dKos can be so very disappointing.
Here's some basic facts that some people seem to be having trouble dealing with regarding this morning's news of a thwarted terrorist attack. If you wrote a diary or comment this morning about how bullshit these latest threats are, please print this out and tape it to your monitor.
* bluesteel's diary :: ::
1) Terrorists genuinely exist and are trying to kill innocent people, regardless of anything done by George W Bush.
2) Not all reporting done on terrorist attacks is produced in order to cover up something else.
3) Not all reporting about terrorism designed to keep people scared.
4) The thwarting of a major attack is genuinely newsworthy.
His commenters, by and large, are either not having it, or saying, basically, "Yeah, you make a good point, but I don't put anything past Bush."
One commenter makes some sense:
[It was] Not Diversionary...
I don't think ... why ...
* Came after the Lamont-Lieberman primary, not the eve of ...
Ummm, good point, but one lost on your fellow maniacs. They said the same thing after Zarqawi was killed-- that it had been "timed" to convince the voters in California's District 50 that they had voted, correctly, for the Republican.
But, ummmm...
If you really wanted to time that, wouldn't you have killed Zarqawi before the election?
Not only do they question the timing of event occurring before elections, they question the timing of events occurring after them, because, uhhhh, the Bush administration wants to let voters know they made the right call in elections that have already passed.
The question-the-timing morons don't realize that not a single day in America is more than either one year before, or one year after, an election.
Thanks to Slublog, who's got blog-fever, pumping out all sorts of good stuff.