Update With Some History, And Some Speculation »
August 10, 2006
The Lighter Side of Mega-Terrorism: Democratic Underground
2. Ok...
"Everything had to be checked in and that includes mobile phones, ipods, wallets - even spectacle cases had to be checked in."
That is just freakin stupid.
Don't they know about x-ray scanners?
Smart, tough.
There's another useful law-enforcement device out there. It's called "human vision."
3. Have to keep the Sheep Afraid.
[graphic of silly gost saying "Boo!"]
Too "courageous" to be afraid of terrorism, like the scaredy-cat chickenhawk righties are.
Smart, brave.
The British terror alert system
was introduced on 1st August this year.
Unknown what is meant by this, but the vibe I get is "I question the timing."
Smart, vigilant.
It won't be the war criminal Tony Blair that will get his ass blown up
it will be innocent people that are being put at risk by the folly of the Blair government.
Smart, praying for Tony Blair's death
'plot' ??? i'm dubious
i'm betting this is gonna turn out to be another 'thought criminal' case.
Smart, and the sort of person you'd love to play poker against. I'll take that action, honey.
What a bunch of shit
Unless they don't screen carry-ons why are they so worried?
Smart, mewls like baby over any incovenience she might hypothetically experience, and I stress "hypothetically," because I don't know if they let retards board planes. They always freak out and start trying to eat their way through the hull.
This is reminiscent of Bush and his "Liberty Towers" bullshit which he never apologized for and the story quickly went away.
And yet the guys remain in custody.
I don't see this story going away.
Smart, makes unexpected connections.
They said that the aim was UK to US flights.
The naysayers may be right. I'd like to think that this is just another fizzy Pepsi can in the NY subways, but they still are calling this a "critical" threat...
By "naysayers," he means, oddly enough, the people who actually believe that this might be a genuine threat (there are a couple of them).
Smart, skull not quite thick enough to be completely impermeable to reality.
The UK government mostly lie about these things.
So i'll wait and see what actually is going on.
What does "foiled" mean anyway, obviously it hasnt been foiled as they have these restrictions in place.
Smart, but doesn't know what the word "foiled" mean (sic).
Calls self "Living in the Bubble," displaying an unexpected level of self-awareness.
a thought here....
all the carry ons..add weight to a flight ..more weight.. more fuel consumed..
now with BP oil shut down..could Blair being holding back fuel for the british airlines..and US carriers..in preperation for a air strike on Iran?
i believe Blair shut down the oil fields of BP to reserve oil..in case of a oil shortage in the event of air strikes on Iran!
think about it..its a self imposed reserve of oil...
VERY SMART, put all the pieces together.
18 arrests of "British nationals" were made overnight
and they say Bush and Blair both knew about the operation in the past few days (just as well Tony did manage to get out to Barbados in time, huh?) ....
Smart, questions the timing, suspects Tony Blair coordinates his vacation schedule with major terrorism busts.