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August 07, 2006
A Recent History Of Media Photoshops
A nice review from My Pet Jawa.
I'm very happy that the Right Wing Smear Machine is now working so effectively. As the lefties have it, smears percolate up from the dregs of the blogosphere (e.g., me), then Instapundit popularizes them, then they burst on to Rush Limbaugh, then they become conventional wisdom on paid straight media like Fox and the Washington Times.
Step Two is now in full effect:
I'll just note one recent event that suggests that the standards set by alleged professionals aren't very high.
That, of course, is Reuters' use of faked photos from Lebanon, part of a larger trend on the part of allegedly professional and objective Western media to use local stringers who are thoroughly anti-Israel and anti-American and then present the resulting reporting as if it were neutral and factual.
I've been pounding that drum for a while now. I don't know if anyone else was pounding it. I'll do a double-secret Instapundit link to myself, in my own mind.
I don't think Instapundit would swipe without hat-tipping; unlike Andrew Sullivan, Instapundit is pretty damn good with links. (Instapundit is a dedicated blogopshere promoter; Andrew Sullivan is a dedicated Andrew Sullivan promoter.)
Either this drum has been beaten by others I wasn't aware of, or it occurred to Instapundit independently, or it just sort of bubbled around and Instapundit wasn't really sure of where it was bubbling up from.
Hey, I'm just happy to do my part to keep the Right Wing Noise Machine putting out lies and smears on a daily basis. Knowing in my heart I had some impact in spreading Evil and Darkness throughout the world is all the credit I really need.