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Media Shills For Murtha »
August 06, 2006
BREAKING: Jesse MacBeth, Army Ranger, Accuses US Of Atrocities In Iraq
I know what you're thinking. Surely this must be a mistaken post, accidentally published from last March. Jesse MacBeth was exposed as a fraud months ago.
But everything old is new again. Because a lefty working at the Australian Broadcasting Company radio, writing in the Australian paper The Age, quoted a Jesse MacBeth interview last freakin' Sunday.
Certified subatomic psychokinetic fissionist Terry Lane offers a fake-but-accurate defense:
The Macbeth fraud is plausible because it fits the facts, which is why I was willingly deceived by the lurid when I should have based my argument on the trustworthy but less colourful evidence.
It's everything-old-is-new-again day over at Tim Blair, where he catches the A(ussie)BC running the discredited, doctored Beirtut bombing pic with an article published today for nine hours after Reuters retracted it as a hoax.
Now, it seems to me that reporters read left-wing blogs, because they so frequently respond to their criticisms.
Riddle me this, though: If journalists are "fair and balanced" and collecting information from both sides of the political spectrum, how on earth did the ABC happen to miss a story RAGING on the dextrosphere since 7:00 PM (ET) yesterday?!
For people who are supposedly "straight down the middle, no chaser," it seems curious they're intimately familiar with the goings on at Daily Kos and such but just happened to miss the biggest story on the right of the blogosphere since the deicide of Jeff Gannon.
And yeah-- the entire sinistrosphere is boycotting the story entirely, it seems. So let me ask another question: if they believe the media is biased and incompetent, as they claim, why are they not seizing on this story? Why are they starving it of oxygen? Why is virtually every left-wing blogger pretending this never happened?
Could it be that they actually know the media is on their side, which is why liberals were quick to come in here last night and defend Reuters? And they don't want to pile on their allies?
Explain some other reason for the Silence of the Left.
And it would behove lefty journalists to stop relying on the sinistrosphere for their information. Jesse MacBeth was a creation of the leftwing internet. And yet, Terry Lane, discovering him from leftwing blogs, apparently wasn't tipped off that he was an atrocious fraud and fabulist.
So they buried the evidence of their own credulity, too. Otherwise Lane would have twigged on to the fact he was citing a fantasia of a deranged thief.
On the right, I'm proud to say, we mention our mistakes. We don't hide them, because unlike the left, we know damn well we can't get away with them.
Ohhh... By the way, there are a spate of anti-semitic attacks and demonstrations in Australia.
Police immediately ruled out anti-semitism as a motive. "Juveniles," someone said quickly as he coughed into his hand.