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August 06, 2006
Norwegian Author: "Israel Is History"
And she means that as a threat.
NO WAY BACK ... We don't believe in the concept of God's chosen people. We laugh at this people's fancies and weep over their misdeeds. To present themselves as God's chosen people is not just stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism ...
There are limits to our patience, and there are limits to our tolerance ...The State of Israel has raped the world’s recognition ...
It's amusing that a European thinks she has to remind people that Europeans have a limited tolerance for Jews. The limits of their tolerance in this regard are fairly well-documented.
That's a link to Andrew Sullivan, but it's a hell of a quote.
Yes, of course he mentions Mel Gibson. How could he not? The real question isn't over whether Sullivan will slam Gibson in any particular post; it's whether he'll discuss anything else in a post. Here, he manages to do that, so he's making some progress, it seems.
I've long had a solution for the Europeans who hate Israel and weep for the Palestinians. Since it was the butchers of Europe who drove the Jews to Israel, displacing the Palestinians, why doesn't Europe carve out of itself a nice chunk of land -- with all improvements and factories and homes included -- and give it to the Palestinians?
As France and Italy participated in this, I think a nice piece of land on the Mediterranean -- a bit of both the French and Italian Riviera -- should serve the Palestinians nicely. Germany can pay both countries for the land out of its treasury, plus all the costs of relocating the displaced residents, of course.
Trust me, they'll come voluntarily.
As they created the problem that occupies so much of their mindspace, don't they have an obligation to solve it with their own gift of land?
PS: Sullivan links the old story about the Reuters columnist being fired for death-threats, but makes no mention at all of the current story about the Reuters photographer altering the picture. Why?
Well, it's pretty obvious. LGF is one of the "Malkin people," not the "Greenwald people" he prefers; and Sullivan had nothing at all to do with this story, and is hence required to downplay its significance. After all, if Sullivan's not part of it, it's just not important.