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August 03, 2006
Baltimore Hebrew University Firebombed
"At this point, there’s nothing that would indicate that this is a hate crime,” Moses said. “They have problems with juveniles in that area.”
Ah, yes. Juveniles. The little scamps. The roguish rapscallions, always up to a bit of silly mischief, like toilet-papering houses, putting burning poop on a doorstep, or throwing a molotov cocktail through the doors of a Jewish university.
It's not that I know the police are wrong. They could be quite right -- this could just be some pyromaniacal "juveniles."
On the other hand, it could be something else. What else? Oh, I don't know. I confess I haven't the foggiest idea of what another likely suspect might look like, or, you know, what his first name might be.
The police always seem ready, willing, and able to rule out a very possible motive even in the earliest phases of an investigation.
When liberals complain that their government is always lying to them, they never seem to cite this habit of law enforcement as a charge in their bill of indictment.
Possible "Juvenile" Suspects Update: A Berkeley anarchist teenager did throw a molotov cocktail at a cop, I'm reminded.
Still-- even in the White Trust Fund Radicals theory of the case, it's still a politically-motivated, terroristic attack, and yes, a hate crime.
Could be the wrong pew in the right mosque, I admit.
But I should say we really shouldn't rush to judgment. I'm just so tired of the police telling us they know absolutely nothing, except that they can more or less positively rule out thousands of suspects and a few obvious motives, just by giving a crime-scene the old once-over.