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Heh: NYT Profile On Tony Bennet Turns, Somehow, Into Screed Against American Imperialism »
August 02, 2006
Green Helmet Guy Interview
For a "rescue worker," he seems very uninterested in rescuing. His clothes are clean and he seems to spend all of his "rescue time" giving interviews to the media.
And in background, other rescue workers (?) put down a stretcher to allow photographers to snap pictures.
This hardly proves that Qana was faked or overstated as far as deaths. It doesn't even really suggest that.
It does, however, demonstrate how fixated Israel's enemies are on propagandizing above all else, including rescuing children trapped in rubble.
Remember the digging for survivors at 9/11? If memory serves, media were cordoned away to prevent them from interfering with hard-digging firemen and other volunteers trying to reach possible survivors with only a short amount of time to live.
Apparently things work differently in Qana. Rescue the trapped if time permits, but by no means allow such trivialities as digging out survivors to interfere with your media availability.
One must have one's priorities, after all.