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July 30, 2006
Stop posting this silly shit [Thomas Jefferson]
You morons. For the love of the Deity whomever it/he/she might be.

Many of you love reading my quotations, and it is to your education and betterment as human beings and Americans that you do. I thought I'd take advantage of the moment and share some of my personal best.
On government.
The best form of government that has ever been devised for protecting the rights of the people has been found to be the republican form. While not perfect, it nevertheless gives a voice to the people and allows them to correct the course of government when they find it completely sucking ass.
The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it. The grumpy asses will just have to deal.
The freedom and happiness of man... [are] the sole objects of all legitimate government. Ride, Sally ride.
On justice.
Law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual. Never draw to an inside straight... that's just crazy.
An equal application of law to every condition of man is fundamental. An equal application of Gold Bond powder to a rashy rash will cure a man's rash behavior and that right quick.
On war.
Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it. But the temper and folly of our enemies may not leave this in our choice. If that comes to be, f*&@ them over and be quick about it.
'Retribution for the past, and piling on for the future,' is our motto.
War. Huh!, good God y'all, what is it good for? Absolutely nuthin, say it again!
I've enjoyed sharing these thoughts with you, and wish you all peace and prosperity, my fellow Americans.
UPDATE: Yes, this is a good one. Commenter "The Drizzle" apparently has the latest revision of Stuff I Said.
I really did say this too.
"You know, my worst fear is not that the Republic we have birthed will fail: My worst fear is that douchebags will constantly say that I said stupid shit I never fucking said".
From: "A letter to Ben Franklin by Thomas Jefferson"
Posted by The Drizzle at July 30, 2006 10:58 PM