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July 24, 2006
Another Sock Puppet -- Not Glenn Greenwald -- Exposed, This One Making Threats And Falsifying Emails
Why, everyone's favorite Karl-Rove-Indictment scooper, Jason Leopold of Truth Out.
Now, I am linking this stuff blind because I haven't read it all yet. But from what I've skimmed, it is compelling. And rich.
It begins.
It continues, this time with obviously falsified emails as evidence Seixon is "threatening" Leopold.
Let me say right off that I do not know Seixon, and have heard of his blog, but never read it. (Please, no accusations of lying.) So I do not have any real basis upon which to judge his credibility vis a vis Jason Leopold's.
Except that Jason Leopold lied about who he was when attempting to get a source to talk.
Which is, I don't know, not the worst deception in the world I can imagine.
However. Let me ask you. Do you for one instant believe that anyone would write threats like this? Or that someone would flat out say stuff like, "I am going to lie about you, and I'll get my buddies at National Review to back me up"?
Who announces in an email "I INTEND TO LIE ABOUT YOU"?!
These emails are supposedly from Seixon, threatening Leopold, and disclosed by Leopold... but they seem to have been, let us say, juiced up a tad:
Your choice. I will make up stuff about you and your family. If you do not admit to me that Larry Johnson was your source I will make up things about you and post it on my blog. I will smear you until you commit suicide. I plan to destroy VIPS and I will do it with or without your help.
Bold indicates falsified portion of email.
Blackmail? [Written as a question after Leopold accuses him of such.] You’re damn right it’s blackmail. Johnson must be stopped and you’re the target. I will take you down and I will have the National Review back me up.
Again, bold indicates falsified part of email. Brackets indicate my addition, for clarity. (Duh.)
Hat-tip to "Ellison," my new star tipster, who writes to say, "Hey, here's something juicy, now why don't you lay off that best-selling author Glenn Greenwald for a spell?"
PS: Thank you, Instapundit, for linking me tonight. Please be aware, however, that if I do not continue receiving one (1) link per day, I intend to make stuff up about you and your family, and I will destroy your blog and drive you to commit suicide, and I will have my gang-stars at NRO back me up, like Jonah "J-Slice" Goldberg, and Ramesh "RamPo" Ponnuru, and Andrew Stuttaford.*
* No nickname for him. I think he's English, and so is, therefore, kind of just a pussy. He'll bring a picnic lunch for the other guys, though, so they can have a nice snack after they're done pimp-stompin' ya, Yo!
PS: Andrew Stuttaford is English, but not a pussy.
Please don't kick my ass.