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July 18, 2006
Hezbollah Traps Its Human Shields, Blocking Them From Evacuation
But remember -- it's all the Jews' fault.
The IDF has found that Hizbullah is preventing civilians from leaving villages in southern Lebanon. Roadblocks have been set up outside some of the villages to prevent residents from leaving, while in other villages Hizbullah is preventing UN representatives from entering, who are trying to help residents leave. In two villages, exchanges of fire between residents and Hizbullah have broken out.
Wait-- you want us to fight without all our protective meat-armor? Hey, we're Warriors of God and all, but we're not crazy Warriors of God. We're the kind of Warriors of God who hide in schools and bravely engage the enemy's most well-trained and technologically-advanced bar mitzvah parties.
Meanwhile... Gillerman says it's "Doomsday" if Hezbollah attacks Tel Aviv.
Thanks to JimW.