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Exchange of the Day »
July 13, 2006
British Cops Advise Women: If You Plan To Pass Out Sloppy-Drunk And Show Your Stuff, Make Sure You're Neatly "Waxed"
I think this is, yes, the proper moment for the Glenn Reynolds put-down.
I sure am happy that British cops have captured or expelled all terrorists and ended all crime in England. Must be nice. Now they can focus on the few last remaining problems: traffic congestion, noise violations, and shitface-drunk barflies showing their pooters as they lay on the floor in a pool of their own slobber.
It's also nice to post something that doesn't have to do with Armageddon today.
Preach It:
Her shirt says "No enemy." Her haircut says "No waxing."
As Jon Stewart says: Your moment of Zen.
Thanks to yls.
Context and Nuance Update: She's exhibiting her solidarity with Maine Muslims after a hate crime, where a guy tossed a pig's head into a mosque.
She's not necessarily saying she's in solidarity with, say, Fallujah Muslims.
I mean, sure, she probably is, but that's not the point of her sign.
I think the most surprising thing about the photo is that her armpits are shaved.
I honestly, truly, did not see that one coming.