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July 12, 2006
St. Cindy's "Fast:" Ice Cream Doesn't Count
When I was on a layover in Madrid on my way to Venice, Italy yesterday, the closest thing I could find to a smoothie to get a little protein was a coffee with vanilla ice cream in it.
Smoothies don't count either, I guess.
I remember when I fasted for three weeks, getting by on the meager nutrition provided by Pizza Hut Super Supremes, grilled cheesebergers, kung pao chicken and sesame noodles and fried pork dumplings, mozzarella sticks, clam strips, Chicken & Broccoli Hot Pockets, Hungry Man Turkey Pot Pie Dinners, Haagen-Dazs ice-cream cakes, six or eight hot dogs from Grays' Papaya at a time (loaded up with spicy onions and chili, of course), roast beef and swiss sandwiches, and two bowls of Cinnamon Life cereal per day.
I'll tell you, that fast was a living hell. I gained like ten pounds.
Thanks to Andrews Dad. Who has a letter to the editor from another left-wing professor, this one accusing Jonah Goldberg and Charles Krauthammer of being Jew-Boys who only care about Israel.
Associate professor (emeritus) at the U of MN.
Trading in the sort of Jew-baiting that members of the Aryan Brotherhood would find too obvious and beneath them.
The tolerant left. Strong, smart, layers, yadda yadda yadda.