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July 09, 2006
Deb Frisch, Still Digging
I won't link her. She's obviously enjoying her fifteen minutes of infamy.
But if you're curious, yes, indeed, she has all but retracted her earlier, half-hearted semi-apology, and finds righteous strength from the five or six nutjobs who think that threatening someone's kid is an appropriate way to protest the Iraq War.
Six Meat Buffet has more, and includes a pic of her site-meter.
She's up from an average of 40 or so people per day to 26,000 hits yesterday.
I don't want to say anything about Goldstein's kid or wife, but I do want some of that crazy blog-traffic. (Crazy, here, used in both senses.)
So... okay. If I began threatening to kidnap Bill From INDC and lobotomize him by using a Bedazzler (TM) to pierce his frontal cortex with classy rainbow-colored rhinestones, thus turning him into my own personal Homo Sex Zombie (with an elegantly Bedazzled (TM) fuckskull), you think I could get some hits?
What if -- and I'm just left-braining here, people -- I threatened to kidnap Instapundit and bring him to my own personal wildlife preserve and then hunt him down like an animal a la The Most Dangerous Game and then mount his head on my wall above a plaque reading "Heh"?
Okay. Let's think bigger. Let's say I knock Drudge unconscious with a gagful of ether and then strap him down to a operating table next to a cart loaded with rusty antique Victorian surgical instruments and medieval weapons and then, when he asks me why I'm sharpening the spikes on a morningstar while wearing nothing but a Viking helmet and a cockring, I just smile and say "DEVELOPING HARD...!"
I'm not threatening to do these things. Per se. I'm just floating up some trial balloons. Someone's serving up hot steamin' crazy-pie and I want my slice.
Letters... Goldstein Gets Letters... Homo Sex Zombie-to-be Bill has Jeff's hate mail, making me curious as to whether he's writing it.
At any rate:
Like you facist hypocrites never send threats to liberals. Jeff, you got everything you deserved. At least Dr. Frisch didn't go around pushing the UC-Santa Cruz chancellor to suicide like your chipmunk-faced chink bitch friend Michelle Malkin. Only conservative fags like to play the victim. You have a small dick.
The hat-trick:
-- accusing someone of being a "fascist," for the billionth time, while still not realizing the word has two s's in it;
-- gratuitous slam at Michelle Malkin, who has nothing to do with this, while calling her a "chink" (PS, she's not a "chink," she a "flip");
-- and lovingly, tolerantly accusing an opponent of being a "fag."
Strong. Tough.
Tolerant. Educated.
Intelligent. High-Minded.
And remember: even subliterate, homophobic, racist retards like this letter-writer are 100% certain they're morally, intellectually, and culturally superior to you.
After all, they voted for Kerry.
And they support "Fag Marriage." And, who knows, one day maybe even "Chink Marriage."
Hey, it's just not fair that chinks aren't allowed to visit their loved ones in the hospital. I know there are security concerns with all the nunchucks and dangerous dry-cleaning chemicals that chinks are always hiding beneath their floral silk robes, but still, can we at least pretend they're human beings?