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July 07, 2006
You Think You've Got Problems, Huh?
This guy's frickin' skull FELL OFF, man.
Hundreds of people are thronging a hospital in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata to see a patient holding a piece of his own skull that fell off.
Doctors say a large, dead section of 25-year-old electrician Sambhu Roy's skull came away Sunday after severe burns starved it of blood.
"When he came to us late last year, his scalp was completely burned and within months it came off exposing the skull," Ratan Lal Bandyopadhyay, the surgeon who treated Roy told Reuters Wednesday.
"Later, we noticed that the part of his skull was loosening due to lack of blood supply to the affected area, which can happen in such extensive burn cases."
The piece came off Sunday and hundreds of people and dozens of doctors now crowd around his bed, where he lies holding the bone.
Bandyopadhyay said the skull's inner covering and the membrane which helps produce bone was miraculously unaffected, allowing fresh bone to grow.
I would say that's great news, but I feel like I'm being scammed. "Hey, look fellers! My skull just fell off! Oh... and there's a bit of 'new skull' already growing back there, that's why it looks like I have a skull."
Picture after the jump. Content warning. Fake or not, it's not very pleasant.