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June 30, 2006
Britney Spears Nude (Kinda)
Bonus: Pam Anderson takes it off for PETA. But this isn't exactly terra incognita at this point. Thanks to Craig for the video.
Britney's nude in Vanity Fair, which means, of course, she's covering her boobies with her hands and is pregnant to boot. Not sure how it became a rule, but apparently skin-pics become tasteful and classy if you're pregnant and covering your boobies with your hands.
Some are posted in this Fark thread.
Some good parody photoshops, too, like one of a nude manatee saying: "Look at me! I'm an attention whore!"
There seems to be an argument about whether or not she's attractive. Come one, pregnant or not, she's cute. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but not ugly.
One guy responds to the silly "Britney is soooooo ugly I just can't take it" brigades with this:

Man, I love that. It's funny because it's painfully true.