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June 28, 2006
Spiderman 3 Trailer
Meh. He does wear the black suit -- or a black suit; it's just the normal costume in black and white, rather than the differently-styled black suit of the comics -- and he does bond with the alien symbiote Venom.
And Sandman's in it, as well as Hobgoblin, though they seem to just be calling him Green Goblin. Which they're probably doing because Gwen Stacey is in this movie, if you know what I'm getting at.
Strangely, they introduce the alien symbiote by actually doing a very quick version of the whole Marvel Secret Wars story line and they briefly introduce every major character in the Marvel Universe, including four or five of the X-Men from the current franchise (plus Gambit and a black mutant that might be Bishop).
Don't pop a chubby, nerds. No they don't. I'm lying. Come on, how could they do that?
They just say the alien symbiote came back with J. Jonah Jameson Jr. after one of his space missions.
I don't know if the Venom storyline is a good idea. It's so oooolllld now. No one even looks back and thinks, "Cool!"
Oh, and Venom is played by... Topher F'n' Grace from That Seventies Show. So this will not be the hulking Venom you remember from the comics.
They shoulda gone with a Sinister Six storyline. Would have loved to have seen the Scorpion, the Rhino, Shocker, and Mysterio all fighting Spidey.
Thanks to steve_in_hb.