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June 21, 2006
OIF Vet Responds To Andrew Sullivan's "Our Boys Deserve To Be Tortured" Post
Bitch-slapping the silly bitch:
Andrew Sullivan - a man I once admired, and who is more than anyone else responsible for me entering blogging - is now writing that the difference between our side and theirs is not one of kind, but only of degree. Shame on him. This war cannot be tracked or explained on the basis of political points. The moojies kidnapped and murdered laundresses and schoolteachers and riddled civilians with bullets and slaughtered new police graduates long, long before the Abu Ghraib story broke. Abu Ghraib does not in ANY way explain or mitigate what Al Qaeda did to our two abducted soldiers. That Sullivan even tries to do so evinces a moral dysfunction bordering on degeneracy. What Al Qaeda did is an evil in and of itself, and entirely self-contained.
Maybe if the captured soldiers were a married gay couple, Sullivan would just be capable of cutting our troops an even break. But I doubt it even then. I don't think Sullivan could muster a full-throated condemnation of the sadistic vermin who did this unless they first converted to Christianity and enrolled in Bob Jones university.
For all his talk of the "moral high ground," it's astonishing how low he has sunk.
Thanks to American Barbarian.
And again:

Saint Andrew of the Sacred Heart-Ache, martyred by his indpendent, fearless commentary.
By his shrill histrionics are we Saved. For all who should believe in Saint Andrew of the Sacred Heart-Ache, shall not perish, but shall instead have everlasting conniption fits.