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June 16, 2006
Wanna Land A Man? Be A Bitch!
It's always worked for me. I'm a bitch, but I keep my baby-daddies satisfied.
This article is way too boring for me to read, but Karol's read it, and disagrees with it. I guess. Anyway, that doesn't matter; what's more interesting is Allah's comments.
If you don't know, Allah is, personally, a kind of down guy, and ruthlessly cynical about male-female relationships (and about most other things, too).
The debate turns into one about "confidence" -- whether it's real, whether it's usually deserved, whether or not it's important at all -- and then the fun starts. In case you don't know, Allah's really down on himself, a proud and out "Beta Male" by his own description, and wonders what the hell other people are so damn happy about.
The problem with the world is there are too many "confident" people. A little less confidence and a little more introspection and you'd see a lot of jackassery start to clear up.
Quoting, and then responding to, a previous writer:
Confident people are oblivious to the petty demands of those around them and are intelligent and mature enough to be happy with who they are without striving to be (impossibly) perfect.
So "confidence" is learning to accept one's own mediocrity?
In fact, confidence is like "compassion," "intelligence," "sense of humor," or any other desirable trait you can think of. Everyone believes they have it because everyone wants to believe they have it. It's self-delusion at the most childish level.
Here's my question for my fellow beta male sucka-asses out there: what do you have to feel so confident about? You make shit money, have a shitty middle-management job, and date mediocre women. Is the confidence thing a facade? Or is this just a case of loooow standards?
.. Confidence is not irrelevant in a woman. Neither is compassion, intelligence, sense of humor, etc etc etc. Any minimally functional human being should possess at least a trace of these attributes. But depending upon what she looks like, that's all that's needed. A trace.
Most extremely attractive women are head cases, yet the demand for them is off the charts. Why? Because no matter how insecure they are -- they still gots dat ass.
Again quoting, then responding to, a previous commenter:
I am completely confident that my family loves me. I'm confident that I can't wait to have kids. I'm confident that I'm a good friend.
That's like saying, "I'm confident I can jog down to the end of the block. I'm confident that I can go grocery shopping. I'm confident that I can get a bus pass."
How low are we going to set the bar here?
Responding to someone's statement that love from his family makes him confident:
Family is just about the worst source of confidence I can think of, because any family worth its salt will love its members unconditionally. What you're saying reminds me of an ugly girl crying on her mother's shoulder because she hasn't been asked to prom, sobbing, "But YOU always said I was pretty!"
And finally, Allah's summary on the "confidence" women admire in men:
I don't believe in "confidence" as that term is used in the dating context. I believe in status. That's the evolutionary baseline from which women operate, but I think it makes them uncomfortable to acknowledge that so they claim instead to value the chief byproduct of status: namely, confidence. It'd be like me watching a girl in a tight skirt walk by and saying, "It's not that I like the shape of her ass. I like shape of the material on her ass." Weak.
Ladies... he's available!
Funny stuff though. It's like watching a football game where you don't care who wins but they're really hitting hard out there.