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June 13, 2006
Duke Law Professor Calls For Special Prosecutor In Rape Case; Accuses PA of Bias
This is getting good:
A special prosecutor should be named to handle the rape case against three Duke University lacrosse players, says the Duke law professor who led the school's investigation of the program.
James Coleman said Monday that statements by defense lawyers have caused him to question the impartiality of District Attorney Mike Nifong.
"I don't think he's showing detached judgment," Coleman said.
Nifong may be in some trouble down the road.
Sorry To Mislead: It occurs to me that my headline and post might suggest the law professor is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Nifong. He isn't. He's calling for an impartial DA to handle the case against the Lacrosse players (and, presumably, dismiss the indictment after 48 hours of examining what a piece of shit it is).
But public opinion seems to be bubbling pretty vigorously against Nifong at this point. I wonder if we'll be hearing from cops in the near future, alleging they were told to omit facts from their report and the like.