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June 03, 2006
Liberal Blogs Silent On Massive Terrorism Bust
Not a word about it at has-been harridan Jane Hamsher's combination blog-slash-application for voluntary state psychiatric confinement.
The Daily Kos mentions it as a single item in an open thread about three other news stories, the other three fairly trivial.
Mostly Open Threads are opened. Later in the day, "Georgia" posts this:
Open Thread
by georgia10
Sat Jun 03, 2006 at 05:03:58 PM PDT
It's a slow news day...so what's going on in your corner of the world?
Yes, very slow news day, Georgia. So what's going on? Well, in the state you either live in or share the name of, two Muslim extremists -- or, should I say, Terrorist-Americans -- are named as co-conspirators with the Toronto megabombers.
So, no big whoop. Go back to sleep.
Nada at former Democratic strategist (or something) Peter Daou's "The Grit" blog. He does have time to mention Haditha, of course.
Nothing at Atrios, despite a higher post-to-open-thread ratio today.
Nothing at Jesus' General... though he does think he's pretty funny for showing American kids at a gun range, with a caption saying "GOOD," and Palestinian kids parading with guns, with a caption saying "BAD." Apparently it is lost on him that the American kids shoot at targets, whereas the Palestinian kids (who are younger) shoot at human beings.
Oh, and blow themselves up in pizzarias.
Nothing on Andrew Sullivan. He talks about -- yes, wait for it! -- Haditha and the other alleged "massacres," and also about how much spiritual support disco-pop-synth band Pet Shop Boys have provided him.
Otherwise-- radio silence.
Or is it too dangerous to alienate readers by presenting discomfiting facts?
Why, one would almost imagine that a victory in the War on Terror is unwelcome news to them. It's almos as if it's... bad news for them or something.
One could almost venture to postulate, even, that their political and personal interests are precisely aligned with the terrorists'.
More... Nick's best buddy, non-Yale-professor Juan Cole, is too busy hatin' on some Jews to mention it.
Bubkis at Pandagon.
Zip at MyDD.
I'm not cherry picking here, folks. I'm just typing in whatever blog name I can think of, and running down the Truth Laid Bear ecosystem rankings. Apart from the one mention of the story (along with three others) in an open thread on DailyKos, NOT ONE LEFT-WING BLOG I'VE SAMPLED SO FAR HAS LOWERED ITSELF TO MENTION THE STORY.
I'll give the DUmmies and that stupid Canadian bint something -- at least they actually dared to link the story.
More Silence of the Lambs...
No mention from Joshua Micah Ezekiah Boutros-Boutros Elminster Marshall. Hysterically, he does address would-be Congresswoman Busby's invitation of illegal immigrants to vote by wondering if her opponent had gotten a hold of Duke Cunningham's "race-baiting card."
(Thanks to Allah for that; I'd forgotten about that little tosser.)
Nothing at Matt Yglesias.
By the way, everyone I've mentioned has in fact posted today, past 12pm Eastern time; so all were blogging today after the story broke. They just chose not to mention it.
Shockingly, nothing at the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog. I say shockingly, because it's a blog connected with a real magazine, and you'd think they'd feel duty-bound to at least link the story, even if they didn't want to.
But nope. The news that thousands of innocent people had been spared the devastation of a terrorist attack was simply too dispiriting for The Political Animal to type out. (PS, Kevin Drum has a guest blogger today, so he's off the hook... I guess. UPDATE: Actually, he posted at 1:00 AM last night, taking a break from his vacation, as he says, to whine about a Bush nominee. So it seems he could have posted on this, if it weren't all so horrible to contemplate.)
It's True: From The Machine--
Well, the good news is that we've finally found what it takes to make most moonbats stop talking...
Then again, we've known that for some time. They tend to suddenly get quiet as churchmice when we, say, capture Baghdad or Saddam Hussein.
Buzzflash, which is nothing but a Drudge-style three-column list of headlines, does have a small link to the story... waaaaayyy down the page (and it's a big page), and without the cute little lightning-bolt symbol which (presumably) calls attention to a story as important.
The Reality Based Community
Hey, it's Our Rules; it's Our Reality. Go live somewhere else if you don't like it.
I just can't understand whence the left gets the reputation of not wanting to fight the War on Terror, or of even wishing America to lose it.
It's just so perplexing.
Media Matters apparently wasn't watching any media today.