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June 03, 2006
Good Interview With Gary Bauer About McCain's Chances
...with a brief mention of Mitt Romney as well. And even Mike Huckabee.
Those of you who support or could support McCain may be interested to see what a strong religious conservative thinks about his chances of mending the rift with Christians; those of you who hate him might want to see what the senior Senator from Hardball is up to lately.
A solid interview by Jake Tapper, a liberal who came from Salon magazine, but has this odd sort of belief that he's supposed to be a reporter before he's a liberal. He actually asks matter of fact questions about social-con issues and positions without sounding like he's discussing the bizarre mouth-anus anatomy of bivalves.
Also interesting is Bauer's surprisingly candid and cynical take on things. He notes that McCain may, quite cynically, walk away from his cop-out states-rights non-position on gay marriage in order to secure the nomination, but that he would need the help of a federal court overturning a state marriage law in order to give him the pretext of walking away from that position.