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May 16, 2006
Video of Pentagon Impact
At Hot Air.
Be aware that the video does not clearly show the plane hitting the Pentagon. That's to be expected, of course; if there were a clear shot, we would have seen the still by now.
Allah does post a still of the nosecone of the plane. But, of course, that is completely fake. Rove got Pixar to do that particular frame; you can tell it's not real because the jet bears the unlikely serial number "ICE AGE 2 COMING 2 DVD."
For those who have any doubts that high-speed objects may not be captured clearly by video, I'd direct them to this debunking of the "Rod UFO" hoax/delusion. Or this one.
In case you don't know about that silliness, a guy videotaping some base jumpers claimed he proved the existence of UFOs, because strange "rods" appeared in his video, apparently moving hundreds (or maybe thousands!) of miles per hour.
The "rods" were just bugs, looking elongated and rodlike through distortion of the video. They weren't big objects moving thousands of miles per hour a thousand miles away; they were tiny objects moving 10 feet per second two or three feet away.
No matter that people photographing tiny wasps in their garden have observed they appear to be "rods" on video or film. The rods are still taken by the credulous as proof of some weird UFOs piloted by the Fungi from Yuggoth. Just as the blur of a the plane hitting the Pentagon will be taken by conspiracy theorists that Ari Fleisher planted explosives there the morning of September 11.