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April 24, 2006
Top Ten Facts About Mary McCarthy The Media Tells You, Rather Than Mentioning Her $7700 In Donations To Democrats Or Deep Connections To The Liberal Democratic Security Clacque
10. She's "indepedent" and "concerned"
9. She's just wild about spats
8. She's always "played by the book" and "never deviated from the rules"
7. Claims her favorite cartoon is Doonesbury; her actual favorite, Cathy
6. She's "a person with great integrity"
5. She thinks a really good name for a chocolate lab would be "Pretzel"
4. She's a "good, substative person" and "a good, solid intelligence officer"
3. She's been "meaning to start a blog" dishing about Neil Diamond, cats, the "dreamy" Hugh Jackman, and codeword-clearance national security secrets
2. "She is not a firebrand kind of ideologue"
...and the Number One Fact About Mary McCarthy The Media Tells You, Rather Than Mentioning Her $7700 In Donations To Democrats Or Deep Connections To The Liberal Democratic Security Clacque...
1. She is functionally "frappedextrous," meaning sometimes she calls it a "milkshake," sometimes a "frappe," and feels equally comfortable with either
Note: All even numbered points are taken from real media articles about McCarthy, particularly the NYT article mocked by Dorian Davis on Karol's site, and the WaPo article to which all-around douchebag Walter Pincus contributed reporting fawning ass-kissing.
Odd-numbered points are just ripped off recontextualized from an old Top Ten I did about the Democratic spy Susan Lindauer.