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April 22, 2006
1998: Did Jefferson Have Illicit Affairs, Too?
2006: Did Condi Rice Leak State Secrets, Too?
Soooooo. F'n'. Predictable.
[The article isn't up now, but AOL's headline was "Did Condi Rice Leak Secrets?"]
Thanks to LauraW.
More Media Pushback... The media is very determined to fight this. They like certain leakers. Democratic leakers, obviously.
Here, an AP story on McCarthy's illegal leaking runs with a picture of.... SCOOTER LIBBY.
Just in case you had forgotten about that. "They do it to! Neener-neener! They do it too!" should have been their sub-hed.
Thanks to Slublog, via Jonah at The Corner.
More Molegate: And that's what she was. A mole. So let's call her that.
Neo-Neocon has a roundup of reactions I missed, plus her own thoughts on lefties'/liberals' belief that "national security secrets" is always a smokescreen for nefarious doings, and should never be honored as a genuine restraint on the disclosure of information.
Unless, of course, the disclosure reflects poorly on a Bush critic. In that case, state secrets must be zealously guarded and people who out them must be frog-marched to prison, preferably without the time-waste energy-suck of a formal trial.
It's A Small Liberal Bureacratic/Liberal Media World After All: Dana Priest's husband works at a lefty anti-war outfit that books speaking gigs for Joe Wilson.
Tight as ticks, aren't they?
Do any of these people not have copies of each other's house keys?
Hillary!'s infamous "a vast right wing conspiracy conspiring against my husband" line was built on fewer connections than this. Lucianne Goldberg knew Linda Tripp; Ann Coulter knew people working for Ken Starr, etc.
Based on those know-someone-who-knows-someone connections, Hillary! made her famous declaration, and -- this is important -- the press actually treated the accusation os possibly accurate.
Is it time?
DC's mob of liberal Heathers, Cool Girls Who Rule the School, seems to be a very tight little clacque. Clarke. Berger. Clinton. Zinni. Wilson. Plame. Simon. Beers. Priest. McCarthy.
Almost all of them know each other; some of them are even BFF's (Best Friends Forever!).
A vast left wing conspiracy, anyone? At least here we'd have an actual conspiracy-- that is, something with a genuine crime at its heart.