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March 31, 2006
Muslim Man Divorces Wife, In His Sleep; Sharia Law Upholds The Divorce
It reminds me of that Steve Martin bit where he said it was some custom, somewhere, to divorce a wife to say "I break with you, I break with you, I break with you," and then throw poop on the woman's shoes.
In Sharia law, a man can immediately divorce his wife -- no judges needed! -- by simply saying "talaq, talaq, talaq." A Muslim man said this in his sleep, after taking sleeping pills, but he says he didn't mean it and the couple want to stay together.
Local religious authorities may require them, per Sharia, to remarry, but only after a three month separation, during which time they won't be allowed to see each other freely (as women can't see a man not a family member without a chaperone or whatever).
I don't know if I buy the couples' story -- if he just said it in his sleep, why does everyone seem to know about it? -- but it is yet another strange custom, made further strange by the insistence that it take full effect, even though the man is now calling "take-backs."