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Ministry Of Silly Links »
March 30, 2006
George Will: Security Wall On Mexican Border Much Like Berlin Wall
America, the only developed nation that shares a long -- 2,000-mile -- border with a Third World nation, could seal that border. East Germany showed how: walls, barbed wire, machine gun-toting border guards in towers, mine fields, large, irritable dogs. And we have modern technologies that East Germany never had: sophisticated sensors, unmanned surveillance drones, etc.
The difference is so obvious I won't insult you by noting it. (Captain's Quarters does, though, if you want to read it.)
Let me quote Robert Frost: Good fences make good neighbors.
And let me suggest some spin from the bad movie Speechless. A Republican there wanted to cut a ditch along the border; Michael Keaton's spin-doctor character began calling it "The Friendship Ditch," and it worked to change public opinion.
So let's not call it a wall at all. Let's just have a 2000 mile long "graffiti/mural installation," which will of course be painted by lots of avant-garde moron artists. We'll call it the Multicultural Street-Art Concrete Canvas Of Transnational Love.
There'll be watchtowers and barbed wire, but those are just there for the ironic statement they make. Or something.
George Will is certainly evolving as he ages, isn't he? The bowties and baseball-fetishism should have been a tipoff.