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March 22, 2006
UN Pushes Danes-Are-Racist Claim With Poster
A poster with the legend "racism takes many shapes" features interlocked, unified, black puzzle pieces, and a Lego piece outside of the group.
Legos are of course Denmark's most famous toy export.
Lots of reactions at the Blogometer.
Let's just cut to the chase: There is actual racism and then there is "racism." "Racism" isn't racism at all, it's just a bit of bullying and browbeating by people who want something others won't give them -- money, preferences in hiring and admissions, loose immigration policies -- and claim an invidious motivation for not being given what they want in order to get what they want.
The Danes are "racist" because they clung to their belief that freedom of expression was important -- more important than not giving offense to the amazingly easily offended. Whatever.
It's not working anymore, guys. You've cried "racism" one too many times.
The UN is a corrupt joke. Fuck 'em all. It's hardly even worth commenting on anymore.