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March 20, 2006
Hey, Morons, It's a Fucking Desert
Very funny recap of a General trying not to lose his fucking mind briefing reporters about Operation Swarmer.
The general keeps patiently explaining -- while trying to avoid embarrassing the reporters -- that the operation took place in a ten by ten mile patch of virtually uninhabited desert.
But the reporters keep on asking him if they'll be reconstruction money following the grave collateral damage we did to... sand. And if we'll be able to revitalize the now-devastated economy there, what with their previously brisk trade in... sand. And what size force we'll leave behind to police and pacify the... sand, and make sure the... sand doesn't immediately again fall under the influence of Al Qaeda.
He keeps using the word "desert," but no one seems to grasp the concept.
You know the old question about whether people really listen in conversations or just wait for their turn to talk? I think we know the answer with respect to reporters.
Craig again.