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March 18, 2006
French Labor Riots
Ah, zee enlightened socialist utopia of Europe.
"I risk working for two years for nothing, just to be fired at any moment," said Paris student Coralie Huvet, 20, who had "No to the CPE" written on her forehead. Pointing to painted-on tears, she added: "That's depressing, that's why I'm crying."
Boo frickin' hoo.
You know what you can do to avoid this doom, Coralie?*
Give full value for your employer's money. Make yourself useful for a change.
Maybe if you had to work hard to keep your job you wouldn't have the energy to run around all night with your face painted like a mime-whore, throwing rocks at policemen.
A huge step backward for organized Labor, isn't it.
*Coralie surely knows her employer is itching to get rid of her.
UPDATE: Well, as many of you already know, the rioting has grown more widespread and violent.
I checked out Agence France-Presse and it isn't even on the front page.
You would think that when a European country is faced with a general strike because of labor law changes, that would be big news.
Unless, of course, there were unsavory rioters causing mayhem that might undermine their cause (Fnord).

posted by Laura. at
05:04 PM
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