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March 08, 2006
Dorkgasm: Batman Vs. Predator (and Joker and an Alien, Too)
Old, yes, but thanks to Yeff for reminding me.
Cool stuff:
Batman's old-school, Batman: Year One style outfit. I think they just went with gray long johns because it's a lot cheaper than a body-sculpted rubber suit of armor, but it looks good.
Decent visual swipes from movies and comics. Batman rising up with his cape lifting up from the ground is pretty good.
Bad stuff:
The dialogue between Batman and the Joker is terrible and derivative. If you're going to invest time and money into something like this, why just have your two speaking characters say crap they've said in movies and comic books before? The "You made me"/"No you made me" crap from the first Batman movie was bad the first time around; why repeat it?
And the ending's a swipe too. Again, do something new.
Anyway, some pretty professional-looking amateur filmmaking.
Related: Yeff also sends this geek love song by "Tripod" I posted a few weeks back. If you haven't seen it yet, it's pretty damn funny.