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March 05, 2006
Surprise: Kennedy Senate's Most Liberal Member in 2005, But Kerry Has Outpaced Him In "Most Liberal" Honors
Kennedy's received the, errm, accolade three times; Kerry, four.
Kerry's office was less thrilled. ''Americans judge you by what you fight for, not the number a cubicle-dwelling pencil pusher assigns to your votes," said spokesman David Wade. ''These grades seem more arbitrary by the minute."
Little rule I've learned:
Anyone who says looks don't matter is probably not very attractive.
Anyone who says book-smarts aren't the measure of intelligence probably has trouble getting through a comic book.
And anyone who says that political labels mean nothing at all, especially the label "liberal," is probably slightly to the left of Pol Pot's junior economic advisor, the one Pol Pot ignored as "too utopian and impractical."