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March 04, 2006
Nine Attempted Murder Charges Filed Against UNC Homicide-Driver
And one count of Driving While Islamist:
Authorities charged a recent University of North Carolina graduate with nine counts of attempted first-degree murder on Saturday, a day after police said he drove a sport utility vehicle through a popular campus gathering spot.
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, 22, is also charged with nine counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to cause bodily injury.
Derek Poarch, chief of the university's police department, confirmed Saturday that Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, told investigators he wanted to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world." Poarch would not provide any other details of Taheri-azar's motive.
I think we can all fill in the blanks.
Taheri-azar told police Friday they would find things inside his apartment in nearby Carrboro that would shed light on his motives, Poarch said. That led authorities to ask the State Bureau of Investigation to search the apartment with a bomb squad, but Poarch said they didn't find anything dangerous.
How about a Koran?