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And The Republican Nominee In 2008 Will Be. . . »
January 23, 2006
Government To The Rescue?
Raise your hand if you think the government can/should do anything OTHER than National Defense.
Having started my engineering career in the private sector, only to end up a public servant, I can tell you with all authority that ANYTHING the government does, the private sector can do cheaper and better. Excepting National Security of course. Trust me.
The guys over at File It Under have a great post today about good old government spending. It kind of goes along with my previous post about the 2006 mid-terms.
Very interesting reading.
It's not a Rep/Dem issue - government is at fault. While the policies that will grow out of control are mostly babies of Democrats, the Republicans have been fairly willing enablers by porking the shit out of federal budgets, going along with disasters like Medicare and surrendering to Democrats with regards to Social Security reform.

posted by WunderKraut at
02:56 PM
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