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January 21, 2006
Kerry at Kos?
Saw this via the corner on National Review. John Kerry is blogging at the Daily Kos. At least, someone who calls himself John Kerry has a diary:
Real Hardball
by John Kerry
Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 03:52:31 PM PDT
There's something that doesn't sit right with me when, on the day Osama Bin Laden resurfaced in a disturbing audio tape, cable television ends up in a game of name calling as a war protester is compared to Osama Bin Laden.
That's reason to be outraged - but even more outrageous is the fact that in a flurry of sound bites what was lost was a real discussion of the fact that more than four years after the devastating attacks of 9/11, more than four years after George Bush boasted we wanted Osama "dead or alive," more than a year after Osama Bin Laden showed his hateful face in yet another video, this barbarian is still very much alive and boasting of additional attacks against the United States.
Later, he says the "full force of cable television" should be brought to bear against the Bush administration on this question. He then whines about the "chilling of dissent."
Here's a subject suited for true hard ball, on Hardball: four years of failure - enough is enough - why hasn't Osama Bin Laden been captured or killed, and how will he be destroyed before he next appears on tape to spread his disgusting message?
That discussion -- rather than criticizing American citizens who exercise their right to free speech and express dissenting opinions - is the discussion that America needs.
When are liberals like Kerry going to realize that sometimes, when you express opinions, those opinions are going to be criticized? The Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, not the right to speak without having others disagree with you.
The comments on this entry are priceless.
Comedy gold.
posted by Slublog at
08:09 PM
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