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January 18, 2006
Andrew Sullivan's "New" Blog At Time

Okay... I see the beagles, but not the box of Kleenex for the chronic brochitis. Apparently now caricaturists think it's puckishly ironic to put hair on your lid that actually isn't there. I guess it's the new equivalent of drawing you in a Rangers jersey with missing teeth.
As for content... well, he links this video of William Shatner doing "Rocket Man" that I linked twice in the past month and a half.
There's a link to this year-old James Fallows piece on Iran from the Atlantic Monthly, which I'm guessing is okay, but I haven't read yet.
He's also now calling Bush "King George."
And he says Mickey Kaus has "issues" about gay men, due to the fact he didn't like Brokeback Mountain and doesn't consider it a likely crossover hit. St. Andrew of the Sacred Heart-Ache deems BBM a "good date movie."
Now, this isn't the same (I'm not likening rape to gay sex), but I made the mistake of taking a first date to Strange Days a long time ago. That was also a "good date movie," as it's all about a brutal rape (and murder, IIRC). Which is exactly the sort of imagery you going through a woman's mind when she's out for the first time with a stranger.
Is BBM a good date movie? Well, I suppose, if you want to put your date in the mind of rock'em sock'em anal sex. Hey, if it works, it's a great date movie.
Ohhh, yeah. I can see why he's being paid by Time now.
Thanks to Slublog for making me bother.
Related and Annoying: Looking around Craigslist, I noticed Talking Points Memo was looking for an unpaid intern.
Qualified candidates will be able to receive school credit.
Really? How does that work? I'm thinking of taking on an intern myself. I mean, besides Allah.
I envision it as a Kramerica-like think tank. Like a Greenpeace... for evil.