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January 17, 2006
Lefty AmericaBlog Wants Long Knives Out For Dems Over Alito Confirmation
This is just that much more evidence of why there needs to be a major blood-letting in the Democratic party, and soon. Heads need to roll. ROLL. People need to lose their jobs, en masse. After 2000, no one took responsibility. After 2004, no one took responsibility. And now it's happening again. Our wonderful party leaders are sitting back and scratching their heads wondering why the country isn't simply running into our arms while they sit back and do nothing to earn the country's respect and loyalty.
Preach it, sister. You've got me convinced.
These guys have seen too many episodes of The West Wing. They really think the path to electoral domination is through full-on liberalism.
Cool fact about Dick Cheney: He's been nuturing Aaron Sorkin's career for years for just this purpose.
More delicious, nougaty insantiy here.
Via the Blogometer.
Correction: I incorrectly wrote "Kristallnacht" when I meant to reference the Night of the Long Knives. Thanks to Otho Lawrence for the correction.