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January 11, 2006
Freed French Hostage Stayed In Danger Zone To Help US Troops Find His Kidnappers
Some Frenchmen are... okay.
This is odd:
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin thanked U.S. authorities and French diplomatic and intelligence officials over Planche's "liberation." President Jacques Chirac thanked "coalition forces who permitted this liberation."
So this hostage was "liberated" but the rest of Iraq wasn't?
Also at Non-Parasan: French Protest Warrior-Types spoil celebration of Francois Mitterand by reminding the crowd he worked for the Vichy Government. At least until they're stopped by cops.
Bush "chills the dissent" of protestors, even in France. Damn, that guy is good. I wish I could have voted for him twice. Someone in the Democratic Party is going to explain to me how I can do that.