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December 30, 2005
Why a WASP Supports Israel So Strongly
Jay Tea pretty much sums it up:
I've lived through and noted numerous cycles of the "Mideast Peace Process." They all seem to go the same way -- the world pressures both sides to talk. Israel makes concessions as "signs of good faith." They talk. A wonderfully intricate process is discussed. At the conclusion, people announce that "peace is at hand" and Israel makes more concessions. Then the Palestinians start backing away from their commitments. They cite numerous reasons why they can't abide by what they just agreed to. Meanwhile, they and the rest of the world press Israel to keep its commitments, and to continue on schedule. Then the terrorist attacks resume. Everyone urges Israel to "show restraint" (a demonstration that is usually measured in dead Israelis). Finally, Israel has enough and hits back, at which point they are blamed for "destroying the peace process" -- no one ever seems to note that every single step was taken by the Israelis, while the Palestinians did absolutely nothing. And those concessions the Israelis made? They're presumed permanent, and merely move the starting point for the next useless cycle.
I'd add something else. The Palestinians demand land. Land can be granted at one point or compensated for. Surely no one is unaware that when Actual Genuine Real No-Faking Peace does come, the US is going to be on the line for billions of dollars.
The Israelis, on the other hand, demand to be left alive. I am not aware of any possibility of resurrecting the dead, even if it's a dead Jew from Bethlehem (with one possible exception).
I don't care about whatever historical grievances you have -- none justify the murder of civilians. If the Palestinians restricted themselves to attacking soldiers and policemen, well, I wouldn't be happy about that, but I would recognize it as guerilla warfare rather than terrorist murder.
But they don't. And at this point, with so many corpses to their credit, my resevoir of pity for the poor dispossessed Palestinians is all tapped out.