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December 18, 2005
Polar Bears
...Are drowning.
As the ice pack retreats north in the summer between June and October, the bears must travel between ice floes to continue hunting in areas such as the shallow water of the continental shelf off the Alaskan coast — one of the most food-rich areas in the Arctic.
However, last summer the ice cap receded about 200 miles further north than the average of two decades ago, forcing the bears to undertake far longer voyages between floes.
I think you all know what this means.
Global Warming...
...means more seal meat for us.
Nutritious, chewy seal blubber will finally become affordable for the average family to consume several times per week.
The plummeting price of seal-derivatives will spur economic growth to heights previously unheard of.
Lubricants, medicines, fertilizers, fuel, pie filling.
Its all looking good, people. Very, very good.
Somewhat puzzled by the downcast tone of the article.
Oh well! Gift horse, yadda-yadda.

posted by Laura. at
08:39 PM
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