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December 09, 2005
Nearly Cheneyesque In His Blazing Genius: Atrios/Duncan Black
(Skip down to "What it Takes:") Atrios definitely sprechens de Ace when he writes this:
"To have a very high traffic blog a necessary condition is that you post consistently a lot. It means that great writers who take a lot of time to craft their prose are unlikely to have a high traffic blog. That is not unfair or wrong or anything, that's just not how you generate consistently high traffic. If you are a tremendous writer who spends lots of time crafting your prose, blogging is perhaps not the best medium for you except as a useful tool for self promotion if your goal is high daily readership."
Pretty much my observation, actually. The reason I don't do longer pieces -- and I always put off poetry contest results and the like -- is that there is always an urgent need to have fresh posts up. Even if they're crap.
And, of course, I'm lazy. And only marginally talented.
Still, even my throw-a-lot-of-crap-at-the-walls "style" (if I may be so bold) is not yet in Atrios' league. Here, once again, is a typical span of his recent ruminations:
Can It Really Be That Bad?
The big question facing us all is just how could Springtime For Hitler Media be as bad as it is?
-Atrios 8:10 AM
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Open Thread
She does pretty well with threads from hell.
-Atrios 5:56 AM
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It's not a bug, it's a feature!
Our NotTorture interrogation techniques were based on Soviet-era methods which were designed to obtain false confessions.
They worked!
-Atrios 12:47 AM
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An awesome rap!
-Atrios 12:23 AM
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Thursday, December 08, 2005
Open Thread
When the apocalypse comes... thread me.
-Atrios 11:56 PM
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Open Thread
The thread I bear is scorching me.
-Atrios 8:36 PM
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"K-Blow" is a reference to a woman named Kaye something or other, who writes that Christmas is under attack. See, her name is "Kaye" and apparent she might "blow" from time to time, which, put together, sounds like "J-Lo," a nickname for Jennifer Lopez.
Not exactly on par with Oscar Wilde.
Even 13-year-olds look at that "joke" and say, "I don't know... seems a little puerile and easy to me. Couldn't you have at least elevated your game to a witty sort of poop gag of some kind? True artists reach, Dude."
The man is an absolute master. He's forgotten more about crap-writing than I could ever hope to learn.