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Big Freaking Gun »
December 02, 2005
Comment Of The Day
You jerk-offs think President ANUS FUCKHOLE is doing a good job in Iraq and that we shouldn't at least BEGIN to withdraw some troops. HAHAAH!!!! So go enlist and go over there and get shot and de-capitated! 14 more to add to the count today...Wow this war's going well! :-D
You jerk-offs also think there's a way to "WIN" the war over there...as if there's any true objective! Hahahahah! Heeeee! :-) Well, when we're still there another 4 or 5 years down the line with over 4 or 5 thousand dead, I hope you find it just as "WIN"-able! 'Cuz weez gotsta fite the insurrrrrrgents! INSURRRRRRGENTS! And TURRRRRRISTS! Hahaha!
Nice job, Ace. You're a real winner. An "Ace in the Hole." Oh, wait. No, I mean just an "Asshole!" :-)
And for your information, ANUS FUCKHOLE's rating isn't up 6 points...it's down....WAAAAAAAY down...
But have fun fahtin fur freedom and democrasseeeee! HEHEHEHE!!!!
Yeeeeehaw! Yippeeeeee! We're stayin' the cawrse! Tho' in Teksus, we just call that "stupid!" :-D
Posted by: Ruthy Truthy
Well played, Ruthy. Very well played.
I think she does a good job of balancing out the pottywords ("President ANUS FUCKHOLE"... how does she come up with stuff like this? Why doesn't she save it for her HBO special?) with cutesy emoticons like :-D. It makes as much sense as kicking someone in the shin and then giving them a big ol' wink.
Anyway, if Ruthy's comment seemed a little rushed, it's because she had to get back to her job at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, splitting atoms... with her mind.
Edit: I changed her name to reflect what she had actually signed the post as. In the body of the post, she just said "Ruthy," but in the name-box for the comment, she wrote "Ruthy Truthy."
Ruthy Truthy.
Contra Spinal Tap, sometimes the line between clever and stupid is not so fine at all.