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Has Anyone Ever Read Atrios' Blog? »
November 22, 2005
New Deletion Policy
I don't mind arguments here by those with opposing views (unlike many liberal sites), but I have to draw the line at thread-jacking. If you have something to say on-topic, you can say so. But I've had it with troll posting completely off-topic screeds in a thread. Often these are very long and make it a pain in the ass to scroll past to actually comment in a thread.
Basically, this is just non-commercial spam and I'll be deleting such massive off-topic screeds in the future. If you've really got to get the word out about some 1200 word opus you've written, start your own blog and cultivate an audience. Don't hijack mine.
Brief OT posts -- especially of the "Ace, have you seen this link yet?" -- are of course allowed and quite welcome.