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November 22, 2005
Leading Economic Indicators "Overflowing" Yet "Perky"
Rose to 0.9 in October.
I have no idea of what that means, but I'm told it's a good thing.
A widely watched measure of future economic activity rose in October, offsetting a notable drop in September largely tied to hurricanes that swamped U.S. Gulf states, a private research group said Thursday.
The Conference Board said that its Index of Leading Economic Indicators, which tries to gauge future economic growth, rose 0.9 percent in October.
The Conference Board's coincident index - a measure of current economic activity - rose 0.1 percent.

I fear my lacy bra can hardly restrain these surging indicators.
For The Ladies: I haven't forgotten about you.
Thanks to Scott for that USDA Prime Beefcake.