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November 19, 2005
Mammoth Asian Superhighway

Link to larger version.
From the BBC:
Asian countries have signed a landmark treaty to create a highway that will connect Asia with Europe, like the ancient Silk Road trading route.
The treaty was signed by 23 nations at a UN meeting and outlines a network that will link the continents in some 140,000 km (87,000 miles) of roads.
Reports say the main route is expected to start in Tokyo and terminate in Istanbul - passing though North and South Korea, China and countries in South-East, Central and South Asia.
Okay, you caught me. This is old news. They reached the agreement in, like, 2004. If there’s any fresh info, it’s that they’ll be meeting next month to work out the final production details and… Okay, that’s weak too.
Look, I put this up cause I love maps, love to stare at all the pretty red lines imagining I’m on some not-sure-where-I’m-headed, but-don’t-really-care road trip. Then I see some map bout some Asian super-colossal megahighway connecting up Singapore, Mongolia, India, China, Finland? Well... forget about it. I’m in love. And don’t tell me you’re not either. Cause that would make you a liar, liar.
I ran into this over at the super-colossal excellent BLDGBLOG where there're plenty more good links on the project.

posted by Dr. Reo Symes at
07:04 PM
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