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November 17, 2005
Wonkette Needs Help
Having been clued in by the inestimable Jim Geraghty at NRO, I had to click on the link and see what trainwreck awaited over at Wonkette.
I am astonished.
Wonkette writes a post using the word f**king and f**k, but manages to avoid juxtaposing it with any ass references at all.
Needless to say, ass f**king is not in her list of 'banned words.' Wonder why?
In the spirit of constructive criticism, may I suggest we send her some tips (something non-sexual for a change, I imagine) for words she should ban? Or just use the comments, because, well, don't you know that Wonkette is a big fan of Ace?

posted by Harry Callahan at
07:46 PM
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