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November 14, 2005
Why Are Such Young Kids Sexually Active Today?
Maybe it's because its being taught to them in school.
And the groups that teach it sure don't like any competition.
In the midst of a national Abstinence Education Evaluation Conference being sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services this week, abstinence educators are calling for an investigation of the questionable content and ethical concerns with comprehensive sex education programs being supported with government money. Rather than allowing abstinence educators to follow the conference agenda, an organization called Housing Works sabotaged this morning's session with a 10-minute demonstration attacking abstinence education and Claude Allen, the deputy secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, to the point that security needed to be called to restore order.
OK, they're anti-abstinence education for some reason. But how bad could their agenda be if they're just about educating kids about sex?
SIECUS and the CDC have a record of recommending curricula with extremely graphic content such as the use of grocery items like grape jelly being used as lubricants (Becoming a Responsible Teen), condom relay races, condom practice and fantasizing during classroom time, a homework assignment to go shopping for condoms, and how-to instructions for oral sex (Becoming a Responsible Teen, Be Proud! Be Responsible!, Get Real About AIDS). Focus on Kids, a curriculum for 9-15-year-olds, assigns teens to create a list of ways to be close to a person without having intercourse, including, "body massage, bathing together, masturbation, sensuous feeding, fantasizing, watching erotic movies, reading erotic books and magazines."
"The content of these programs and exposing children as young as age nine to studies on sexual practices calls into question who authorized and recommended these programs in the first place," stated Libby Gray Macke, director of Project Reality.
According to the article, research supports the effectiveness of abstinence education for children, even among kids who are already sexually active.
Why on Earth would anybody think that teaching kids as young as nine years old about lubricants, body massage, and sources of erotica is a good thing?
Can't we let them have a childhood first?

posted by Laura. at
10:43 PM
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