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November 11, 2005
If You Outlaw Questioning Patriotism, Only The Unpatriotic Will Question Patriotism
Regarding the antipatriotic left's incessant whine that being unpatriotic is the truest form of patriotism....
...I have to observe that it's odd -- people who have spent the past year saying that Bush took us to war to enrich Halliburton somehow now think it's beyond the bounds of civilized discussion to question people's motives on the war.
-- Traffic Non-Santa
And yes, the left has expressly questioned the patriotism of its opponents on numerous occasions.
But let's say they didn't. (Although, you know, they did.) You're going to accuse people of murdering 2000 American soldiers to stuff money in the pockets of your "Republican friends" and win elections so that you turn the country into a fascist banna-republic junta-led despotism, and then you piously whine that it's off-limits to question your patriotism?
There's an expression first used by Voltaire as a rejoinder to such a claim. Although my French translation is sketchy, I think it goes something like, "Fuck you and the whores you rode in on."
If I've got this right, it's perfectly acceptable to say that Bush began a war he knew was unnecessary to help his Repubican "buddies," but it's outlandishly out-of-bounds to suggest that people who do nothing but slander America may be something less than fully on board with this whole "love of country" thing.
For God's sake-- the same people who claim to be such patriots spend half their time ridiculing patriotism as the precursor to Naziism. So, what, they're saying they fully endorse the initial stages of fascist militarism?
And on "helping Republican friends," once again, this time with feeling:
A friend is someone who'll help you move.
A best friend is someone who'll help you move... a dead body.
But a Republican friend is someone who'll start a "phony war of choice" based on "twisted intelligence" in order to build a Trans-Caspian Pipeline and/or give big contracts to Halliburton and then "smear" anyone with the "courage" to "speak Truth to Power."
Uhhhhh... no. On the few occasions I ask my "Republican friends" for favors, they say stuff like "Get a haircut, hippy" or "It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve," which is actually sort of hurtful, because whose business is it if me and my friend Steve choose to always wear coordinated or "matched theme" outfits when we go out together?